Segment’s EDI platform allows B2B communication worldwide by translating international EDI standard files into B2B files such as Purchase Order, Shipping Certificate, Invoices, and more.

With our platform, it is possible to manage all communication in a secure and encrypted connection and in any data structure of your choice (such as X12, EDIFACT, and more).

if your business partner asked you to use an international EDI standard, you’re in the right hands and we will be happy to provide expert EDI services.

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the automated, computer-to-computer exchange of standard electronic documents (such as invoices, purchase orders, etc.) between business partners over a secure, standardized connection.

There are two common standards used as EDI documents, X12 for communication in USA and EDIFAT for communication in Europe.

Main Advantages to use Segment's EDI platform

Expert Level Services
Segment is one of the only companies in Israel that provides EDI services at an expert level. Our system has been operating for over 10 years and supports many organizations in Israel and around the world.


Reduce your communication costs with your customers and partners by at least 50%. Printers, paper, storage solutions, postal services, and other related expenses are unnecessary, as are the costs of processing the orders among your suppliers.


Strategic Advantage
Drive your business by demand (and not supply), measure in real-time your business transactions, and make decisions faster. Improve your response to changing customer and market demands. In addition, EDI allows you to create new partners all over the world and transmit data to them by the most advanced and convenient means.


Automation & Minimum human errors
Working with the EDI standard reduces data errors (typing, handwriting) by over 35% and significantly shortens unnecessary hassles. Transferring paperwork to automation processes helps you track data accurately and in real-time. Your customers will enjoy faster, more accurate and more convenient communication.


Secured Safe services
Segment acts according to the strictest data protection standards, secured server separation, permission management, personal identification, encrypted communication and frequent penetration testing, regular recovery plans and minimum availability of 99%


Supporting all formats
The data interchange services are compatible with the international standards customary in the market, including X12, EDIFACT, network data summary ‘file 100’, XML and more

Mapping the files

For your convenience, we made a manual to each file type with examples:

850 Purchase order

855 Purchase order acknowledgment

856 Ship notice/manifest

860 Purchase order change request – buyer initiated

865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement

997 Functional acknowledgment

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